Fort Worth, your spring reverie is waiting for you … after your engine service!
Teachers. Students. Parents. Everyone in Fort Worth is thinking about spring break! No doubt, you’ve got big plans for this mini-vacation.
You don’t want any of those plans hindered by engine problems. To set your mind at ease, we recommend you schedule an engine service appointment for your vehicle.
How do you know your engine needs a service appointment? Let’s go through a mini check list. Does your vehicle:
- cost you more at the gas pump
- have a loss in power
- idle “rough”
- stall out whenever you stop
- make a “knocking” notice when you accelerate?
If you’re having to answer yes to 2 or more of these, it’s probably time for you to schedule an engine service appointment.
Here’s the gist. Your vehicle has an engine composed of complex parts – all working in harmony. But, time, harsh weather and regular use can cause these components to wear out.
This spring break, whether you stay in Fort Worth or travel beyond the state lines, you don’t want engine problems to interfere with your fun.
Why not answer that growing doubt you’re having? Schedule an engine service appointment with B&M Auto Specialists. Our ASE certified mechanic will perform the necessary diagnostics to determine what, if any, repair is needed. We’re committed to performing only the work your vehicle truly needs to run at its optimum level.
Once you drive out of our garage, it will be time to enjoy your much needed vacation!
Good news. The forecast for Fort Worth has some beautiful spring temps in store for your school break. Be safe and have fun!